For years I have struggled with the idea of starting a blog. Whether it be a lack of confidence, or self worth, or a frustration at the shameless self promotion of many Christian 'leaders' today, for many years I held back. I wanted to remain focused on community, on the place where God had called me to.
Last year while travelling in the US I came across an incredible humble Christian leader, who had planted a church in a lower socio economic suburb that had grown to over a few thousand people through a missional communities model in less than 10 years. Their team had seen incredible fruit, real gospel transformation, both of people and of their community, not just Christians church surfers following the waves.
What struck me about this man was that he was unknown. Actually, he had intentionally stayed unknown. He had turned down speaking gigs. He didn't have a Facebook page or website. He just faithfully and humbly followed God's leading, seeking to serve his church and local community.
In this conversation he shared that this was about to change. That he believed God had prompted him to be a good steward of what he had learnt in this process. Which involved sharing this with others. To hold on to his learnings and thoughts, as his own intellectual property was also not a Godly response. This started some self reflection on my behalf.
While I would love to say that my unwillingness to put myself out there was about humility, that would only be partially true. In part it also represents the lack of confidence I and many other female Christian leaders struggle with on a regular basis. God has done an incredible work in me over the past few years, filling me with a real understand of who I am, and what he is calling me to be, some of which I will share in later posts.

And so I have finally started a blog. Wary of the risk of being another Christian leader seeking to put themselves out there, but also in obedience to a sense that God is asking me to share of my journey with those also travelling along the path. I will share here mostly on my key passions and the things I believe God is calling me to speak into around mission, discipleship, leadership development and the being a woman in ministry.
So as you read this blog it is my hope that you too will be encouraged along whatever journey God has called you into. I pray that my experiences and learnings that are shared here would be a helpful encouragement to you.